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Grasses wave over Stew's head as he picks berries |
The hummungus garden soil developed over 3 years by applying compost, compost tea and the soil health principles. What are these principles?
Armour on the soil...keep it 100% covered , 100 % of the time.
Minimal disturbance
Biodiversity above and below ground
Keep some living green plants all year long ( go the perennials!)
Animal integration
For a full explanation come to our soil course, Nourishing Soil in November : https://www.facebook.com/events/539099406833694/
We wish it were not so, but at some point it became shameful in today's world to eat lots of meat, as our ancestors did. Why is the mention of "the carnivore diet" repugnant to many, and where and when did the VEGAN MOVEMENT start? Well it started decades ago and stems from religious ideology and propaganda by the breakfast cereal manufacturers. You know the old fire and brimstone preachers? One such preacher was female founding figure in the Seventh Day Adventist church. I don't care to remember her name, as she was a nutter who scared young children. One youngster who at a tender age of 12 went to work for her, typesetting her messages to the Adventist church members , was a certain master Kellog. He spent 4 of his early teen formative years in her employ, during which time he developed a fear of sex that lasted his lifetime. He grew up to be a doctor, who mutilated boys and girls genitals to prevent them from committing the "sin" of masturbation. Dr Kellog and his brother followed this religion and believed a vegan diet helped people of all ages to stay free of the "desires of the flesh". The bro's Kellog later invented a pile of plant based food products including soy milk and flaked and high heat extruded grains which they later marketed as breakfast food. No doubt Kellogs cornflakes and the rest did disrupt one's hormones, therefore rendering one lustless and infertile.
Later on, chemical companies supplying inputs to Agri business, notably oilseed, grain and sugar producers, soon saw the opportunity this religion afforded them. Under their considerable influence, Nutritional Guidelines went from being animal product based to almost entirely plant based. The result? The masses indoctrinated by TV commercials joined the devout Adventists in having their " base desires" curbed along, with their lust for life. A woeful litany of chronic illness including depression, anxiety , obesity , type 2 diabetes and auto immune disease is being seen in the cornflake /weetbix eating population.
Weston A Price is one of the few mobs out there who have been championing fatty meat consumption for ever, and copping considerable flack. Despite their science backed activism for nutrient dense food, the vegan trend is not going away. However I predict a rapid crash of the vegan wave. You see, over the festive season I have managed to get some reading in, and what I am about to share just may turn your world around. Researching this I realized my own programming, and I am not one to absorb very much mainstream media at all. Drum roll , clashing of cymbals and gongs…..
Many very sick people are consuming an all
meat diet and recovering from years of chronic auto immune disease in less than
a month. Yes. Do not let this powerful knowledge slip through your fingers! Any
person or friends/relations of people suffering years of osteo or rheumatoid arthritis, schizophrenia,
depression, bi-polar, severe acne, asthma, food allergies , Chrones, ulcerative
colitis, inflammatory bowel, SIBO, cancer, diabetes, obesity, autism, anxiety
conditions, OCD, ODD, ADHD, ADD, Hashimoto’s, coronary heart disease, or any
other of the 200 auto immune diseases plaguing the civilized world, get this: The front runners have been living on nothing
but various fatty meats, salt and water for more than 14 years. They
found relief from their symptoms within a month, some in just days, and if they
add just a tiny bit of well- cooked vegetable to their diet, their symptoms
return immediately.
Dr Natasha
Cambell McBride in her Gut And Psychology Syndrome lectures says exactly this, that
an autistic child can become completely normal, healthy and thriving on a diet
of just bone broth, meat, eggs and sauerkraut
JUICE, as long as they avoid all plant fiber. Just a whiff of anything plant brings back their autism symptoms, overnight.
The hope is that they will eventually re- gain the numbers of friendly bacteria
in their gut needed to properly digest plants but while their intestines are
populated by all the wrong bugs, the out of control opportunistic flora will use the fiber in that
well- cooked centimeter of zucchini as a
substrate to proliferate and produce their dastardly toxins that derange the
Our distant ancestors
ate plant and animal products, stole eggs, scavenged carcasses and had a brain
weighing 300 odd milliliters in size. Along came an ice age, the plant part of
the diet was soon gone. We had to learn to follow and hunt the animals that
could live on lichens found under the snow. They were fatty animals because
they had to have so much insulation. I guess desperation got us working
together to bring down animals, and our big brains grew bigger as hunting skills and therefore diet improved.
Archeologists digging up ancient camping grounds find huge amounts of bones, along with the stone tools used for breaking open bones to access marrow. Cave paintings from all corners of the world depict hunting scenes, nowhere pre- Holocene did anyone paint a fruit tree on a cave wall. Then there are coprolites …. fossilized human manure. There are no fruit seeds or plant fiber found in coprolites, just all the animal products you can poke a stick at ( eggs shells, feathers, fish bones, other small bones etc) During this frozen time human brains grew rapidly to be a colossal size ( about 1400ml ) considering our body size and small gut in relation to other mammals. We didnt evolve to eat meat, we evolved BECAUSE we ate meat.
Archeologists digging up ancient camping grounds find huge amounts of bones, along with the stone tools used for breaking open bones to access marrow. Cave paintings from all corners of the world depict hunting scenes, nowhere pre- Holocene did anyone paint a fruit tree on a cave wall. Then there are coprolites …. fossilized human manure. There are no fruit seeds or plant fiber found in coprolites, just all the animal products you can poke a stick at ( eggs shells, feathers, fish bones, other small bones etc) During this frozen time human brains grew rapidly to be a colossal size ( about 1400ml ) considering our body size and small gut in relation to other mammals. We didnt evolve to eat meat, we evolved BECAUSE we ate meat.
The advent of
settled agricultural societies occurred about 10,000 years ago and we shrank a
little in stature and brain size about then, living on less meat and more grain
than hunter/ gatherers. The ancient Egyptions lived as they do today in Egypt....mainly on bread and beans , eggs, chicken and fish occasionally, some honey, salad and tahini. Sounds healthy but compared to their hunting and gathering cousins, the newly settled agriculturalists suffered from heart disease, fat bellies and diabetes. Some doctors blame the grains.
Seems like
no one criticized meat until 4 decades ago. Not only religious ideology but Dr Ancell Keyes came along. He, though not a
medical doctor, had a hypothesis, backed up only by the data from countries he
cherry picked to include, that animal fat caused heart disease. The hypothesis was never
proved, but it gained as much publicity as pro GM scientists do today. These low fat notions came to dominate our lives. Eggs were out, margarine was in, vegetable oils
were healthy, fats were blamed for every disease. To make low fat food palatable, sugar was added. We now know Ancell was paid by the
oilseed, sugar and grain producers, and the “healthy eating food pyramid” that persists to this day, is upside down. Recall that Monsanto /Bayer sells chemicals and big agricultural
machinery to the cropping industry. What's a bet They are behind todays government backed push for veganism. This may seem a stretch too far, but not if you watch
It is sad to realize that after 10,000 years of agriculture, our brains
are now smaller than the frozen cave men we occasionally dig up. The vegan diet is so popular,yet is against
all science and common sense. There is evidence that vegetarianism is causing people's brains to shrink. A study was done on volunteers aged between 60 and 83 years old. The cohort’s brain
size was measured at the start, then 5 years in to the study. The vegan’s
brains were the smallest in the group and had lost 5% of volume over the 5
years between tests. Meat eaters brains remained the same size.
It may
surprise some that there is a clinic called Paleomedicina in Hungary, using a
ketogenic/palleolithic diet ( mainly meat with 30% “ancestral plant foods) to resolve chronic conditions such as obesity,
epilepsy, diabetes, hypertension, auto immune diseases (asthma, allergy,
hypothyreosis, eczema), cancer
and those suffering from being medicated…..nb.
From their
“Rehabilitation of chronic
diseases is most effective when the diet is limited to our real physiological
needs. Eating fruits and vegetables does not form part of our physiological
need but are associated with risks. Plant foods can only be regarded as
"relatively" safe when certain plant food items are consumed and only
in limited amounts. ….. Altogether clinical experience was derived from about
4000 patients.”
Here is their therapeutic
tool: ”A Diet exactly confined to
our needs”
•Animal foods include red and fatty meats, fat and offal preferably
from pasture-raised animals
•Fat:protein ratio about 2:1 (in grams)
•No nitrates, nitrites or other additives in meat products
•Plant foods only include certain fruits and ”paleolithic” vegetables
from organic sources
•No artificial sweeteners but honey is allowed in moderation
Black and herbal tea
are excluded
Coffee is allowed only after full regeneration and in moderation
•Eggs are initially excluded in those with highly elevated intestinal
permeability and/or vaccines during the preceding 6 months
“We believe that the Paleo Ketogenic Diet ( PKD) is the only
evolutionary adapted diet for humans.”
They perform an Intestinal permeability test at 4 weeks. Tapering
of medicines is coordinated by the Paleomedicina team ……
NB : Overmedicated
patient (5≤ medicines and/or beta-blocker, psychiatry drugs, antiepileptics, steroid,
biological therapy, immunosuppressant): the patient needs to enter the rehabilitation center for some time to be tapered
off these drugs.
“We never experienced side-effects or vitamin/mineral deficiencies
due to the PKD. Our longest follow-up is 7 years. The diet is safe in pregnancy
and in lactating mothers. Weaning infants onto the PKD is safe and easy too.”
permeability –a key issue
“Normalization of the intestinal permeability is of crucial
importance. ….No other medical intervention or diet has so far been shown to normalize
pathological intestinal permeability.”
“Chronic civilization
disorders, including autoimmune diseases, are reversible when highly adhered to
the PKD. Reversing autoimmune diseases of the CNS, however, takes much longer.
In cancer patients tumor growth can be stopped and formation of metastases can be
prevented. In some patients we also experienced decrease in tumor size”.
The ketogenic
diet was originated in the 1920s as a therapy for epileptic children and it
worked in many cases. It is very high in animal fat, contains some protein and low carbs from fruit and non starchy veges. Many people are trying this and/ or the all meat diet and are feeling “AMAZING”. The meat diet certainly is super simple. A return to the way our distant ancestors
ate means no sugar, no processed foods and an organic diet rich in animals
fats. That’s got to be a good thing. Within a month all cravings for carbs
cease and a sense of calm is noticed, some people find 2 days in this happens. In reality it maybe that withdrawal from processed foods mean Roundup ingestion ceases. This alone has great benefits.
Well, like an elimination diet.
As the Paleomedicina Rehab states: “Every
human is able to eat and utilize animal meat and fat (except for a few genetic
conditions which already emerge in infancy and usually cause early death)” .[I would add that there is a mammalian meat allergy triggered by a tick bite.] The take home message is that meat is easily digested and its nutrients well absorbed. Strange then that vegetarians have always banged on about meat being hard to digest and “putrifying in the gut”.
Actually it is plant foods that we cannot digest, and undigested plant matter “rots”
into formaldehyde and phenols if you happen to lack a good set of gut microbes capable of digesting plant fibers. Thanks to Roundup residues on food for preferentially harming our beneficial microbes, that population is now significant.
Meat is so well absorbed, very little reaches the colon.
Meat is so well absorbed, very little reaches the colon.
Constipation is also a groundless fear, although during the transition over the first few weeks negative effects on bowel movements and energy levels could be experienced. Dr Paul Mason at the Low Carbs Down Under conference held in Australia showed that a zero fiber diet resulted in zero constipation problems. see here
Our huge
brains need short chain fatty acids, and these can come from beneficial gut
microbes turning a substrate of indigestible plant fiber from purple fruits and
veges into butyrate, or we can get it
more directly from consuming animal fats.
Gorillas are
large animals with huge bellies and quite small brains. They have a very long caecum
and colon which is full of bacteria, working away on their exclusive plant leaf
diet to produce fatty acids. We on the other hand are a primate with a comparatively
short colon, an almost non -existent caecum (called an appendix) and a much
larger brain which needs a quarter of our body’s energy to run. Organ meats are
the most nutrient dense food there is....liver even has vitamin C. Animal foods provide fat as an ideal fuel for
our brains. They supply structure and nutrition for you to make all your
hormones, neurotransmitters and replace/rebuild all your damaged tissues
including tendons, bones and teeth. Many on the nutrient dense carnivore diet
report their teeth get stronger.
If contemplating
going carnivore, be assured that science is showing no advantage to being
plant based. In a study of 8000 people
followed for 18 years, it was found vegetarian dieters have higher mortality rates than meat eaters from
dementia and breast cancer.
Published in
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a study called Mortality in vegetarians and non-vegetarians
took a decade of mortality data from 28,000 vegetarians from several countries and
found no survival advantage to being vegetarian. The Heidleberg study results
were released in 2002. In it, 2000
people were followed for 21 years. Vegetarians lived longer than vegans and
occasional meat eaters outlived them all. In another study of vegetarian 7th
Day Adventists, hip fracture rates were twice that of meat eaters.
Dr Michael McGregor is the feeble poster child of the vegan movement, he is endlessly quoted by them, but this man some years ago posted one of his lectures entitled " 40 year old vegan dies of a heart attack" . All the preceding statistics come from his talk. He concluded that his plant based followers should take supplements of Omega 3 and B12 to have a chance of living as long as meat eaters. .
Dr Michael McGregor is the feeble poster child of the vegan movement, he is endlessly quoted by them, but this man some years ago posted one of his lectures entitled " 40 year old vegan dies of a heart attack" . All the preceding statistics come from his talk. He concluded that his plant based followers should take supplements of Omega 3 and B12 to have a chance of living as long as meat eaters. .
On an all
meat diet you are getting maximum nutrition and emotional eating doesn't come into it. Snacking on modern, semi- poisonous non- food when
feeling low or anxious, is a trap. Who can forget the mars bar scene in Woody
Allen’s Annie Hall ( was it ?)
A “fast” on meat, or an actual fast on nothing but salty water, seems to be like a factory reset, it brings you back
from obsessing about carbs. It eliminates excesses, addictions and emotional eating. As meat is deeply nourishing, the carnivore diet can reverse the
numerous deficiencies most modern people have. In most people, bones and the brain have shrunk from long term malnutrition.
Reports are rolling in from near and far that just about all health problems get sorted on the meat diet.
Beans, peas, grains and other seeds all come packed with substances designed to deter critters from eating them: eg lectins, phytates. You can reduce lectins to safe levels by repeated soaking and disgarding the water, and then HIGH HEAT treatment, so boiling rapidly for at least 10 minutes. You can soak and ferment grains to reduce phytates. Hence Sour dough bread is one of the best ways to consume whole grains.
Reports are rolling in from near and far that just about all health problems get sorted on the meat diet.
Beans, peas, grains and other seeds all come packed with substances designed to deter critters from eating them: eg lectins, phytates. You can reduce lectins to safe levels by repeated soaking and disgarding the water, and then HIGH HEAT treatment, so boiling rapidly for at least 10 minutes. You can soak and ferment grains to reduce phytates. Hence Sour dough bread is one of the best ways to consume whole grains.
People with severe gut dysbiosis who suffer terrible conditions like those
mentioned at the outset could give the Carnivore diet a try for a solid month and see what happens. Carnivore eliminates all food additives, Roundup- laced processed foods,
gluten and casein so gives the body a rest from dealing with these toxins. With boosted nutritional status, thousands of people are finding enormous relief on the simple regime of beef, salt and water. Some then experiment by adding back other meats and fish, then progressing to re -introduction of fruit, then vegetables, one food at a time. As each food is added, any symptoms are noted.
This is essentially the GAPS introduction diet, but with GAPS we add home made fermented vegetable and dairy probiotic cultures from the beginning, but at first just the juices of these. No plant fiber is allowed at all while the gut heals and seals on the nutritious bone broths. But this healing only takes a few weeks usually. There are proponents of carnivory that have preferred sticking with nothing but beef, salt and water for 9 years, to the debilitating disease/s they suffer when trying to add plants back in.
This is essentially the GAPS introduction diet, but with GAPS we add home made fermented vegetable and dairy probiotic cultures from the beginning, but at first just the juices of these. No plant fiber is allowed at all while the gut heals and seals on the nutritious bone broths. But this healing only takes a few weeks usually. There are proponents of carnivory that have preferred sticking with nothing but beef, salt and water for 9 years, to the debilitating disease/s they suffer when trying to add plants back in.
People trying
GAPS or the all meat, zero carbs diet often discover food allergies they didn’t
know they had, which have been causing their health issues all along.
In summing
up, my anecdote: I tried a spring cleanse for a month which was essentially vegan .... and at the end I sustained a severe knee injury . Later I tried the carnivore diet and when I finally managed to comply for a few weeks ( it was hard going without fruits ) I noticed at the end a considerable improvement in my energy, mental clarity , mood and joint mobility. It was scary as I thought I would get scurvy and magnesium deficiency so I started eating plants again.
Another few weeks of study and I now know that plants are not the innocent (sometimes super) foods they have been painted. They have chemical defences against being eaten. Plant toxins include the lectins and phytic acid mentioned above but there are more, including: gluten, acylamides, sulphurofanes salicilates, glycoalkaloids and oxylates. Many vegetables are quite new to the human diet. Many suspect the nighshade family of making their knees play up. Dr Georgia Ede has a very interesting website and does great talks and should you wish to follow up more on the toxins in plants go here. Oxylates are a particular nightmare hardly ever mentioned but Sally K Norton is an authority on this, and the information is startling. https://sallyknorton.com/
It turns out that your body doesn't need much magnesium when it is not digesting sugar! Similarly with vitamin C, when you are not dealing with daily plant toxins you dont need much vitamin C !
The main message of this post is DON'T be SCARED of MEAT or FAT. Being a classic slow learner, it has taken several weeks of positive report reading on www.meatheals.com to gain trust in meat and somewhat lose my long held, misplaced trust in fruit and veges.
So I will go on this diet again but not forever, because, as Dr Natasha says, animal foods feed you, plants cleanse you….and we need both.
Another few weeks of study and I now know that plants are not the innocent (sometimes super) foods they have been painted. They have chemical defences against being eaten. Plant toxins include the lectins and phytic acid mentioned above but there are more, including: gluten, acylamides, sulphurofanes salicilates, glycoalkaloids and oxylates. Many vegetables are quite new to the human diet. Many suspect the nighshade family of making their knees play up. Dr Georgia Ede has a very interesting website and does great talks and should you wish to follow up more on the toxins in plants go here. Oxylates are a particular nightmare hardly ever mentioned but Sally K Norton is an authority on this, and the information is startling. https://sallyknorton.com/
It turns out that your body doesn't need much magnesium when it is not digesting sugar! Similarly with vitamin C, when you are not dealing with daily plant toxins you dont need much vitamin C !
The main message of this post is DON'T be SCARED of MEAT or FAT. Being a classic slow learner, it has taken several weeks of positive report reading on www.meatheals.com to gain trust in meat and somewhat lose my long held, misplaced trust in fruit and veges.
So I will go on this diet again but not forever, because, as Dr Natasha says, animal foods feed you, plants cleanse you….and we need both.
Interesting links:
Mikhaila Peterson Fatigue, Acne, arthritis (Joint pain,
joint deterioration) and depression.
A life
saving diet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJlCjayk1HQ
Kelly Hogan
,exclusive beef eater for 14 years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7U8Qv_0Lrk&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1nOgUYywnjOMoEJ4iO_pteJuSlAaKV4N_KzpHL80Ak_EF3eSjkZNhVj7A
Amber O’herne
is another lady who lost weight, regained her fertility and got better from bi polar with a carnivore diet.
Dr Shawn Baker , 50 year old athlete loving the improvements in
physical performance and joint health , also very enlightening thoughts on how we do science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt3tfLVF7Y0&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0l3cKG5idOtFQRVMvvqEcDkjtrcU7cI2ZtODwHpUBHySxJZGnGlyksA6k