Monday, December 3, 2018

Merri Bee Organic Farmacy Fungal Dominated Vermicast ( MBOFFDV)

Merri Bee Organic Fungal Dominated Vermicast   ( MBOFDV !)

Oils aint oils, soils aint soils and compost ain't compost! I've heard sawdust and synthetic fertilizer referred to as compost.  So how do you tell a really good compost?  Plant response may be misleading if synthetic fertilizers have been snuck into a poor commercial compost. One thing's for sure, any compost wrapped in plastic doesnt even fit the scientific definition of compost  which is “an oxidative decomposition of a mix of organic materials”.   Dr Elaine Ingham.

In the same manner as traditional European bakers closely guard their sourdough culture, passing it on in the form of a lump of dough to be treasured down through the generations, Merri Bee Organic Farmacy’s fungal dominated Vermicast is a treasure containing living organisms most rare and valuable. 

Since studying  under Dr Elaine Ingham, U S soil microbiologist, in 2014, we’ve been devoted, (some say obsessed) with creating quality compost. Knowing the key to quality is DIVERSITY, we have scoured the seaside, the ancient native forests, visited gifted long- term practitioners of the composting art, sent off to scientists in America and joined secret societies in the quest for  special microbes. Biodynamic preparations  are a recent addition which has taken our compost to the next level.
But the backbone of our compost production is a huge diversity of green plant materials both native and exotic, a plethora of mature complex brown materials   and a myriad of high nitrogen materials …..the manure , hair, scales feathers etc from not only our 8 species of organically fed and managed livestock but untold species of wildlife both land-based and marine. Interestingly it has been noticed by scientists  that Quenda manure makes native plants grow twice as tall . 

All the marvellous ingredients are put together in sufficient volume, in the right ratio and at the right moisture content to be an ideal breeding ground for the organisms which are introduced by inoculating the heap with some compost from a previous batch. We make our compost mindful of air quality at the time and needless to say do not use manure from conventional farms which would likely contain antibiotics, worm drenches and GM, or at least Roundup treated  feed. We monitor temperature, turning when needed to expose all parts of the heap  to temperatures above 55 C to kill pathogens and weed seeds but not exceeding 68 C in order to maintain the beneficial aerobic organisms.
It took a couple of years to achieve the Holy Grail of fungal dominance, and as many years again to breed up significant biomass of fungi, bacteria, protozoa, microarthropods, beneficial nematodes and composting worms  to go to work on a few tons of new materials a week, gradually turning them into the black gold  colloidal humus you now behold . In the famous line from Alan Sandler’s Happy Gilmore, “ this is high quality hand made shi*t” ! 
This fact isn't lost on local farmers who have purchased a 20 liter bucket and made a lot of very effective compost tea with it. They state that the results were totally worth the $100 cost.

How do I  use MBOFFDV ? 

 Here's the The Do’s and Dont’s

Please don’t let your Soil Food Web mini critters dry out!  Neither should they be left in a waterlogged state or stored in plastic to go anerobic, nor should they be exposed to excessive heat or cold suddenly. Care must also be taken not to expose the organisms to ultra violet light. If it dries out slowly , some critters will go dormant and can be enticed to become active again when moisture levels are bought back to something like a wrung out sponge, but many will die. Neither should you store MBOFFDV for longer than 6 months as by then the woody debris, ie the fungal foods, will be digested into humus and your S.F. Web critters will start getting hungry. Rather than being held in storage in a shady place, they would prefer to be active in the garden where mixed mulches will feed them and living plant roots provide food through root exudates. Worms can get on with aerating the soil and transforming organic matter into humus,  the carbon rich storage place for nutrients and water in the soil. 
Merri Bee Vermicast is the ideal inoculant for your own compost heap or worm farm, where the organisms will happily come out of dormancy and breed in the presence of food, water and air, when the temperature and humidity is right for their individual species.  You can put a handful of MBOFDV in a bucket of soil- temperature unchlorinated water, stir one way a while and then the other, creating a vortex then chaos, for 5 minutes or so. Most of the organisms should now be swimming in the water. This extract can be poured on your favorite plants. You should see a response in 3 weeks or so.
A twenty litre sack of MBOFDV could be applied to a damp garden bed of about half a square meter . Make sure it is damp throughout the profile, not just on top. Gardening is best done in the early morning or at the end of the day, to avoid UV . Mulch well, plant seeds and or seedlings, water well and stand back! The plant growth hormones, humic and fulvic acids in MBOFFDV can cause a flourishing that seems quite magical. The nutrient density of your plants demands you fence out any birds or animals that may raid your crops. The value of this produce in health dollar terms will certainly make it  cost-effective to build a fence.

Using our vermi cast on your garden will begin or enhance a process that might take 3 years or more to complete.....the process of transforming poor, dysfunctional soil into a fully functioning fertile soil. MBOFFDV is a slow release fertilizer and works as a pesticide and fungicide. It contains predatory nematodes that feed on root feeding nematodes. The heaving throng of beneficial aerobic organisms will cover soil particles and plant surfaces, protecting them from disease and pest.  At the same time the VAM Mychorrizal spores contained in MBOFFDV will germinate, grow towards plant roots, latch on and begin to grow out into the soil, thereby extending plant roots to obtain so much more nutrient and even funneling water to the plant. The plant, well fed with every trace element and macro mineral it needs (which the fungi and bacteria have unlocked from the sand,silt,pebbles, clay and  presented in plant available form)  will resist pest attack, frost damage and drought. The plant will make sugary root exudates out of atmospheric CO2 to feed the fungi in exchange for specific minerals it dissolves from rocks. This means your soil is now a carbon sink feeding your family nutrient dense foods whilst addressing climate change. WOW!  Special pseudomonas bacteria will decompose toxins.  Many of the billion bacteria per teaspoon full of vermicast will create bio slime or glues which  form the  microaggregates present in good soil. These "building bricks" of soil are joined by fungi and their glue "glomalin" in to macro aggregates and voila! The all- important crumb structure is created, ensuring your soil  will soon absorb and hold  water better, dramatically reducing  irrigation costs . At the Farmacy we have gone from daily watering to weekly or even monthly at the 5 year mark. Placing a trowel full of MBOFFDV at the bottom of a planting hole is good practice to build the structure in the deeper layers of your soil.

Just a wiff of our product will start the 3 year process, and will usually give a noticeable plant response in under 3 weeks, but a 50 mm layer of MBOFFDV on any soil will pretty much immediately transform a difficult, dysfunctional  soil into a fertile one. As usual, cost versus time applies. If you spend a lot, you don’t wait so long. 
500 ml of MBOFFDV costs $5.00 plus postage (express postage to anywhere in Australia ) of $8.55  if required .    3 kgs will cost you $ $22.00  plus postage of  $15.00  Fifteen liters weighs approx. 10 kgs, costs $70 and 20 litres $80 and weighs approximately 13 kgs. A cubic meter costs $2000.00
To proceed either contact us.
 Just one application of a compost solution made in a bucket as above will begin the regeneration of good soil as long as you maintain a mix of green living plants, a mulch cover and water. Those plants could very well initially be weeds. Welcome them, embrace them, be glad they are hosting your mychorrizal fungi and creating shade and plant residues. Do not use any icides or synthetic fertilizers but let your greenery grow. Mow or graze them off just before they set seed or go rank
. Soon they will have improved your soil so much they will not be needed any more and fruit and  veges will flourish instead of weeds. It is the trio of soil microbes, animals and plants that co-evolved and built the soil on which all life depends, and all 3 are needed to regenerate deep, loose,  fertile soil with ideal PH, good drainage yet water holding capacity, resistance to erosion and the ability to grow plants with health building  properties.  You and/ or friends and family will  flourish as you eat salads covered in probiotic organisms. They are hard to wash off as they stick on with those carbon based glues.

SAFTEY precautions.

 We stand by our product so much so that we will happily eat a spoon full in front of you, rub it on our face and drink an extract, if you insist.  The billion bacteria contained in a teaspoon are all beneficial as pathogens were killed at 55 during the composting process.  The slime on an earthworm’s body is a supreme sanitizer and wipes out bad guy e coli and other such pathogens.
Soil borne probiotics are becoming recognized as having medical applications.   Read more here


A man ( it would be) suggested I should just let my let my beetroots do the talking.. Here is my equally non- verbal male Stewart with a formidable bunch of beets grown in MBOFFDV.

If you would like to learn more about soil regeneration with soil health principles, using a microscope to assess compost, making a compost tea over many acres, and creating your own quality compost please consider doing our 2 day course "Symphony of the Soil in May" which will be held on May 25th & 26th, 2019. You receive my e book Nourishing Soil on sign up. Please email for further details

MBOFFDV  does contain composting worms and eggs and thousands of other soil dwelling species
more numerous than humans on the planet. I entrust them to your care. If  you treat them well   they will bring you great joy through good health from beautiful plants which will in turn attract beautiful birds, insects, darling little reptiles that eat slugs eggs, and many more. Wishing you a thriving inner and outer ecosystem based on the Soil Food Web.
PS     We are really happy to receive your  empty vermicast sack  back for a discounted re - fill. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Symphony of the Soil

A forest requires no human maintenance and no inputs of fossil fuel energy, pesticides, herbicides or fertilisers to create an abundance of life. By modelling our edible and medicinal gardens on the principles of a forest, we too can also have low maintenance, low input gardens – gardens with all the diversity, resilience and beauty of natural systems

We have been growing a permaculture here for many years, and severe climate change has been experienced in the time, scientists say to bring back lush and rainy climate we need to plant heaps of vegetation. Dr Christine Jones stressed over and over that we need to have green plants all over the ground all summer, plants of any kind will do. If all you have is weeds, be glad you have something. I've been saying the same. But its highly likely you would prefer strawberries and walnuts to double gees and paddy melons. So, in attempts  to grow yummy and nutritional stuff, we came up against the fact that our soils are too poor now to grow anything much but weeds. If you add fertilizers and non wetting agents and any number of other products designed to help grow good looking plants, you in fact make things worse and stuff up the waterways and oceans as well. Plus the produce lacks flavour. Thanks to CC we were struggling to grow food and fodder from 2008 until 2 years ago. We had implemented lots of great strategies but the final (?) piece of the soil improvement puzzle was making  really great compost and compost tea.

Now I have my  garden back, in spite of the climate. 

 Growing  greenery is the best thing we can do about climate change, and growing food organically  is the only way to be healthy besides buying all organic produce. 
 Please join us in growing soil and tons of biomass.We'll tell you everything we know at our workshop in February:  

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt ….Glyphosate is even worse than we thought

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt  ….Glyphosate is even worse than we thought

Dr Dietrich  Klinghardt  has  treated 50,000 patients in Germany and the United States. He is a trail blazer in the health word and Jeffery Smith introduced him as a “Demi -God” because at many health conferences the queues go out the door as people line up to hear the latest amazing therapies constantly being  unearthed by Dr Klinghardt .
 Dr K began by stating Chronic illness has hugely increased in the last 20 years. The leading cause of death now is no longer heart disease or cancer but neurological disease. The health span , or the number of years we have as a healthy individual before we succumb to chronic disease has shrunk to 60 years and is shrinking by another 2 years per annum. So by next year the “health span “ of a typical human will be 58 years. This rapid decline is due to the toxicity in the food chain , and electro magnet radiation, or EMR, the  “electro smog” emitted by  wifi, cordless and mobile phones and the like devices. These 2 are like a perfect storm. 
The focus has been very much on glyphosate for those studying the demise of our health, and Dr Stephanie Seneff was mentioned as a genius who has been able to explain some of how glyphosate damages the human body. Stephanie has always been concerned about the  autism epidemic, as her friend’s child is autistic, and until she attended a lecture by Proff Don Huber ( an eminent plant pathologist)  she did not know autism was  strongly linked to glyphosate use. Certainly the correlation between rates of autism and use of glyphosate is extremely close. Professor Don Huber  alerted Dr Seneff to some of the consequences of Glyphosate, the active ingredient in  many herbicides . Developed by Monsanto, it has been off patent for 20 years now so is  being made by many companies world wide. Is not just a herbicide but a crop treatment commonly used now. As with so many speakers at this conference Dr K’s first advice was that everybody should eat as organic as possible to minimize exposure. Keep your devices on airplane mode too, as much as poss.
Now what follows may seem over the top to a healthy young person, and you can stop here, as long as you promise to go organic and GMO free. But to the many afflicted with a chronic disease I am sure the following information is vital, so please read on. Dr K had some fascinating facts to share so please keep reading if you are tempted to think a bit of processed food isn’t going to kill you. How wrong. Dr Terry Wahls has figured we need to eat 3 heaped platefuls of organic chopped greens a day  to stay healthy, as well as organ meats ! That’s a wake up call for everyone, no?  Her Ted talk is even more relevant today than it was when I first posted about it on this blog years ago. See her talk here
The main damage Glyphosate does is to our microbiome. Round up is dozens of times more potent than glyphosate due to the adjuvants in it’s formulation.  Less than 2% of a person is human, the other 98% of us is bacterial DNA. The 2% of us which is human cells may not be affected as said the Monsanto scientists, as indeed we don’t have the shikimate enzyme pathway. Microbes however, are very sensitive to the chemical. Same goes for wifi, it is the microbes that are most harmed during exposure to EMR. We have evolved to have special microbes in and on all our surfaces: sinuses, skin, ears, eyes, genitals, in our gut, and  in our brain. Apparently our great intelligence is due to microbes in the brain and as the glyphosate kills those bacteria our intelligence is diminished ( more anon). By destroying the microbes that co evolved with us, quite simply our health is ravaged.
Brain and thyroid are 2 places targeted by Round Up.  Treatment however, should be aimed first at de-toxing or unburdening the gut microbes.   By consuming extracts of peat moss (fermented plant material millions of years old) we find that the  humic and fulvic acids in the peat moss  extract  the glyphosate out of the gut bacteria, liberating them. There are only animal studies so far showing this but I for one am interested.
Glyphosate combines strongly to Aluminum and Fluoride ( oh great) to lodge in the pineal gland and thyroid, with devastating effects. We use sauna therapy as a tool to remove the toxic molecules from these sites. 
Also chlorella, a marvelous algae, is excellent at binding mobilized toxins. Chlorella has been  shown to detoxify mecury, lead, cadmium and pesticide residues. Similarly, brown seaweed called Laminaria Japonica (Holu Kombu) has these properties and has been fashioned into a product called Modifilan. It contains
.    Fucoxanthin (brown carotenoid pigment) that may promote abdominal weight loss and healthy blood sugar. 
  • Alginate, which has the unique ability of binding heavy metals and radioactive elements to its molecules and secreting them from the body.
  • Fucoidan a polysaccharide found only in seaweed, may help to stimulate the immune system. Promoting apoptosis, Fucoidan can help to eliminate naturally harmful cells from organism.
A warning about mobilizing terrible toxins: reactions in some people can be hard core:
In a forum I found the following from Dr Klinghardt on chlorella
"Side effects: most side effects reflect the toxic effect of the mobilized metals
which are shuttled through the organism. This problem is instantly avoided by
significantly increasing the chlorella dosage, not by reducing it, which would
worsen the problem (small chlorella doses mobilize more metals then are bound
in the gut, large chlorella doses bind more toxins then are mobilized).

Some people have problems digesting the cell membrane of chlorella. The enzyme
cellulase resolves this problem. Cellulase is available in many health food stores
in digestive enzyme products.

Taking chlorella together with food also helps in
some cases, even though it is less effective that way. C.vulgaris has a thinner
cell wall and is better tolerated by people with digestive problems. Some
manufactures have created cell wall free chlorella extracts (NDF, PCA) which
are very expensive, less effective - but easily absorbed."

Good luck! The other thing I use that is similiar to chlorella to detox is modifilin. Its a bit more gentle”.
So , if chlorella treatment gives you pain, try the seaweed Moifilin, or another binder such as Lava Vitae (high silica Zeolite) This can be given  in addition to chlorella (or instead, if chlorella is not yet tolerated): start ¼ teaspoon twice daily between meals, slowly increase to 4 times/day away from all food or vitamins. Available from With zeolite Dr K says some are some brands are toxic, but some a great and the KiScience brand is approved by himself. Gosh, coming back from poisoning is never easy is it.
For further information on de toxing and chlorella visit
The procedure to remove glyphosate is to load people with chlorella ( for dosage see link above. If unavailable the maximum is 40x 200mcg  tablets ) 5 minutes after taking coriander. This should be about  1 and a half hours before getting home for the day, then get them to exercise until they sweat, then stick them in a sauna for five or 10 minutes. In the first 5 minutes in a sauna 90% of the fat and water soluble glyphosate and other toxins will come out through the sweat.  They should then have a cool shower (15 degrees C, ARRRHH! ) to close the skin  pores, whilst lathering  with a safe soap to remove the toxin from their skin before the glyphosate  re-absorbs, which it wants to do.
 The other component to this de tox is oil pulling, where you take a tablespoon of organic olive or coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for 5 minutes. This is part of Ayurvedic medicine and old Russian protocols. Apparently when fat soluble toxins are mobilized they are more difficult to get out than water soluble ones. The whole of our blood supply circulates through our gums several times every 15 minutes. So vigorous chewing and swishing of the oil around the gums creates an ion exchange membrane, where the fat-soluble toxins can leave from the blood and enter the oil in your mouth. So of course, you must spit out the pesticide laden oil after 5 minutes of this active swishing. Dr Klinghardt recommends one does the oil swishing while in the sauna to save time.
Another method of de toxing from Glyphosate Dr K describes as exciting due to its efficacy, it is by using ingesting a homeopathic dose of glyphosate. You can use homeopathic copper to drive excess copper out of the body, a homeopathic dose of aluminum moves out aluminum…  but how do you get a homeopathic dose of Glyphosate? Russian and German colleagues know that nearly everyone has glyphosate in their urine, especially after exercising. So the therapy consist of weeing into a bottle, washing out the bottle with water a few times, then filling the bottle again and drinking it. Several studies have shown this efficacy of urine therapy. It was practiced in Russia years ago. Napolean went to war in Russia, and lost most ( 90%) of his soldiers to Bartonella, but in the hand to hand combat with the Russians, the Russians lost only 5% of their men to this infection. They were resistant because their General Korsakoff was a homeopath who directed them to do urine therapy to drive out the toxin from their body. There is virtually no urine left and there is no taste in the water, but this is apparently a powerful remedy. Not exactly charming, but cheap and easy to do!
I will add here what has been said on this blog before, that juicing before breakfast and 3 times weekly Epsom salts baths or foot baths are safe and gentle  chelating procedures recommended for children by the great Dr Natasha Cambell McBride. Slow and steady wins the race.
The force that blocks our de-tox enzymes the most is exposure to wi- fi in the home. Go back to a landline phone. Use an ethernet cable,  and/or reduce the time your router is on to the bare minimum. Certainly turn it off at night, as after all it is like having a mobile phone tower in your home. Shield your house from the neighbour’s beams. Dr K says “It is absolutely stunning how people recover” when EMR is removed. The ideal treatment for any illness is a combination of bio -physics and biology. Russians are more into healing with magnetic fields, infra red light, sound waves etc. They do not expect to take pills to get better, interestingly Americans are the opposite.
Autistic kids often have no glyphosate in their urine. This is because their body has no capacity to excrete the toxin. As we go through the arduous treatments outlined above we see a little glyphosate appearing in urine and hair samples as the gut microbes responsible for elimination are built up.  A trickle becomes a flow, “you know you are doing the right thing, and the child gets better” says Dr K.
The liver health is closely interwoven with gut microbes health. We can point to the fact that if we give someone with liver failure a fecal transplant, they get better. What we see commonly is the bacteria needed for liver health have been killed by the glyphosate. It is the sick or absent bacteria that are the reason fatty liver syndrome develops. Significant affects occur on the liver, on the pancreas, the gut and ultimately the brain due to microbe decimation. There is meant to be a “cross talk” between the micro  RNA  and the immune system. The communication isn’t happening because the microbiome is damaged by glyphosate, so we get devastating immune system dysfunction , eg: we loose immune tolerance, we get allergic to everything, symptomatic to Epstein Barr, to Lyme’s,  retro viral activation…..all hell breaks loose when we loose the microbiome, the most precious thing we have, the 98% of us which is not us.
The way our DNA is transcribed is regulated by the epigenome, and the major part of the epigenome is the micro RNA, which is created by the bugs.  98% of the micro RNA that programs our DNA (ie which turns on and off our genes) is  from bugs in us.
   We are not separate from the food that we eat, because our microbiome changes according to what we eat. The RNA from plants also programms our DNA.   So many of us turn to natural therapies in later life, most often because we are diagnosed with something serious.…what a pity we didn’t always live with health in mind and pass on the best version of our DNA and genetic make up to our decendents.
So it is very good to go foraging daily in an organic garden or permaculture from childhood on.
The plant leaves in an organic garden or farm focused on soil health are covered in beneficial bacteria which also play a powerfully protective role in us, just as they do on the leaf.  This  is where we get back to the concept of the peat moss mentioned in the beginning….. and the concept of ancient soils and the sets of microbes they contain which have long disappeared from the farming landscape. At least 2 other speakers at the conference were selling a product extracted from ancient soil. Before spending the big freight $ to obtain a bottle of ‘’Just Thrive” or “Restore” I might  look at coal from Collie under the microscope! I know Collie was a special place to the Aboriginal people and one of the very few people on Earth who can tell you what Collie was like before it was a coal field spoke to me at a protest rally we attended in Muja 14 years ago. This elder had grown up fishing in the Collie River which teamed with sea food at the time. OMG imagine her sadness. Even fishing in the ocean near the mouth of the Collie River miles away in Bunbury today is banned as seafood there is contaminated with chemicals.
   If fulvic and humic acids do for us what they do for the plant kingdom I am thrilled, because Ive seen firsthand what these gigantic carbon molecules can do. Check out our corn experiment which trailed a spoonful of my friend Haydn Gunningham’s magical compost. As a modern day composter I hope I have introduced some of the best ancient microbes the planet can offer (from the remnants of the old growth West Australian Eucalypt forest) to our compost so that they may turn todays organic matter into humus. Humus is a rich butter-like colloidal soil compound full of humic and fulvic acids which are known to decompose recalcitrant pesticide residues such as heptachlor, dieldrin and DDT, among other highly beneficial effects in soil. That eating humus could have the same beneficial  effect in us is astounding. The word “Humans” means of and for the Earth. May we humans return to serving the Earth in great numbers ASAP. One thing anyone reading this could do is contact the McGowan government and get them to halt the destruction of these ancient forests today. I could write to them daily. Not only is our Jarrah forests being decimated to provide the fuel for a Japanese silicon smelter, the prescribed burning and burning of the aftermath of logging is contributing enormously to climate change. Air quality directly affects soil microbes and compost quality too.  Less than 17% of the trees cut down end up as sawn timber. This outrage must stop. See WA Forest Alliance for further information.    But I have digressed from the interview ….
We are not separate from the food that we eat. The healing properties of many herbs are actually due to the sets of microbes on their leaves. Dr K’s brother is a psychiatrist, and he shared the results of several studies on the effect on depression  of St John’s Wort compared to Prozac. Half of the studies showed the St John’s Wort had the dramatic healing effects on depression  the herb is known for. The other half showed no effect at all. It turned out the that in the studies where  the fresh leaves were consumed, the healing was vastly superior to  Prozac. Studies where tinctures (where the leaves are soaked in alcohol)  were used had no effect at all. I will just insert a warning here that St Johns Wort is similar to SSRI anti depressants in that there is a small number (5%) of patients with over methylation issues causing their depression, who react very badly to both. See my relevant blog post for further information by searching in the top left search bar. 
So the healing properties of dandelion are because of the bacteria on the leaves rather than the nutrients found in the leaves. This is an emerging science which brings to light that everyone should have a herb garden. These bacteria are talking to our gut bacteria. A couple of papers are out now on this topic, one looked at Echinacea and found superior healing effects occurred after ingestion of fresh leaves. When we eat salads, we get very little nutrient from it. We cannot absorb much of the nutrient in the raw food because the fiber is indigestible to us, and there is little nutrient to start with ( compared to animal products for instance).  So we absorb less than 5% of the nutrients in salads BUT!!! the leaves you consume are covered in healthy bacteria, locked on in a biofilm which isn’t easy to wash off. This is dependent of course on how it is grown [conventional  produce may not have any bugs, or worse, be populated with bad e coli, salmonella etc, opportunists which thrive in the absence of competition. This is why people are increasingly getting food poisoning from factory farmed foods. BW] A lot of people who have clearly been exposed to that ubiquitous herbicide are populated by Clostridium Difficile ( C Diff) golden staph and so fourth and the good bugs in them have gone. Glyphosate selects out the good bugs to kill! Anti bacterial soaps being forced on many kindy kids as Education Dept policy apparently act in the same way, targeting the beneficials and leaving the pathogens alone. Perhaps this is why they are known endocrine disrupters?
Neurological disease such as Alzheimers, cancers below the diaphragm, as well as thyroid cancer are all linked to glyphosate use.  “Cancer Alley” is an area along the Mississippi River between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, in the River Parishes of Louisiana, which contains numerous industrial plants. Locations in this area with clusters of cancer patients have been covered by the news media, leading to the "Cancer Alley" moniker. Wherever GMO round up ready crops or big areas of wheat, legumes, sugar and potatoes are grown we find high levels of disease because  these are sprayed to dessicate the crops as a pre harvest treatment . In terms of infant mortality the highest number of babies who die on the first day of life per pregnancy  is in the United States, the country  with  the highest rate of exposure to the herbicide (and wi f?) Death from dementia in women has increased 660 % in the last 20 years. Serious data points, and Dr K says electro smog and glyphosate are entirely linked to Parkinsons in men and Alzheimers in women. According to a court ruling we cannot Round Up  caused this but have to say that “correlation does not equal causation”. However causation is scientifically near impossible to prove.  As a clinician, Dietrich says “Let’s use common sense”.  He sees daily in his practice that when glyphosate has been moved out, a cancer goes away or an autistic child starts talking for the first time….he knows this is not just correlation. He has experienced that  the sickest people show no glyphosate in their urine until de tox practices are implemented.
The only reason we are in this mess is that the medical and science and agronomy associations, the regulatory bodies,  the media, the scientific journals,  etc have all been invaded by the chemical industry. “How long did it take for tobacco to be accepted as carcinogenic?” he asks.  A tiny amount of Glyphosate lodged in the pineal gland will give you insomnia for the rest of your life and insomnia leads to cancers and many other diseases, when will there be a public outcry against this substance so cheerfully dispensed ?
The sad thing about glyphosate is it was first patented as a chelator and an antibiotic, and it aims to decimate the life in the soil, and the vitality of the food. Spinach used to be a good source of iron as Pop Eye the sailor man knew, but conventional spinach now has NO iron content at all!

Dr Klinghardt  has so much knowledge and integrates it to bring us amazing understandings. He spoke about a 600 page report commissioned by the German government. Fritz Albert Pop is a leading physicist who had already published papers about how you could measure the vitality of food by it’s light emissions . He was commissioned to study the difference in terms of light emissions between GM and organic food.  GM had a dramatically less light, and the light  was also distorted. Fritz  handed over his report to a  government official who read it then reported to her superior. She was let go of that day, the study was shelved and has never been made public.  

A study was done on bio photons coming from many species of animal’s brains. Rats are a smart creature but their brains give off one single bio photon per minute that can be measured outside  the brain. In the human brain, one single neuron gives off several million bio photons per second! Bio photons are intended to communicate….with what or who ?
 Who knows as yet. But what we do know is that without the bacteria that are meant to live in our brain, these bio photon emissions cease, and our intelligence fails to develop. That microbes are responsible for what makes us so special on this planet  is mind blowing to me.

“Human endogenous retro viruses” is the direction Dr Klinghardt’s work is going. Awakening dormant retro viruses which have been kept dormant in us for hundreds of thousands of years by the beneficial gut bacteria we co- evolved with,  but are now wiped out……hmmm ….what a scary concept. Perhaps the subject of a future blog? Jeffery Smith used the analogy of a world war where the Jedhi’s ( good bacteria ) are losing. All of their knowledge and intelligence and good will is being dismantled in people  consuming glyphosate. This could be a really depressing conversation if we did not have the de tox protocol as outlined above.
Dr K has been involved in experiments where a certain pest is decimating a crop field, and a single individual of the species responsible, say a beetle,  is killed and placed in a laser beam. The beam  is then waved over the field. Within 24 hours this “death signal” has effectively removed all beetles from the crop. Wow! There are much more intelligent ways to deal with bugs than chemicals. The laser treatment works for pathogenic bacteria and fungi as well. Farm chemicals are completely out- dated states Dr Klinghardt.  His friend, a German soil professor, has developed an Old Mayan method of lacto fermentation of manure which turns it into the richest soil within 3 weeks. So many better ways!   The future of crop protection and fertilization is in physics and biology , not chemistry. Sadly scientists developing these new and better techniques are scared for their life about speaking up,  as is Dr K. Many of his colleagues have been found at the bottom of a river with bullet holes in the chest.

The anticipation is with Round up and other microbial poison strategies out there , the devolution in the human race many of us have observed , ( eg. numbers of autistic kids double every 5 years ) will continue. Life expectancy has peaked and  is now going down. We are allowing things to be messed up before we even understand them.
The whole agricultural industry has completely gone wrong. Biodynamic and organic farming is all about fostering the healthy microbes in the soil, on the plant and in our gut. Said Dr Klinghardt, lets look not at how Glyphosate damages the liver or the thyroid or the brain, lets look at what it does to the microbes, because this is a far deeper damage. Once these microbes are extinct from our body they are very hard to get back. This is why Dr Natasha recommends that chronically ill people consume daily probiotics for the rest of their life. Dietrich Klinghardt said “Glyphosate is pretty much responsible for every modern illness.“  His final  recommendation is that we disconnect from wi fi and re- connect with Nature.  We all need to spend as much time in natural unspoilt places on our Earth. Find them, commune with the microbes there, and be in  your happy place. With that I will turn off my informative Wi Fi and go to my happy place in the compost rich soil, and grow you all some more greens for juicing.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Kiran Krishnan  “ Your Friendly Bacteria are your Greatest Health Ally”

Kiran is a self- confessed geek who has been researching the gut microbiome for the last 12 years, working at product development and clinical research. He has worked in the microbiology/ food safety area for 20 years. He wants to understand the role bugs play in wellness. He has 11 human clinical trials on his probiotic formulation going on currently. The  vast majority of probiotics on sale are based on assumptions that a collective effect is of benefit, when only the individual probiotics have been studied, whilst the combination of several of these in a pill have not been studied. As Kiran says, we don’t know if they compete with each other or are antagonistic to each other. I think his approach is much needed.
Humans are fascinatingly complex large animals. Our bodies can adapt to abuse and just keep on coping and adapting and coping some more. Our brains are particularly amazing.
How is it that humans are so spectacular? In 2007 the human microbiome project was begun with a $150 million contribution of funding by the U.S. government. It’s been found that we use 3.5 million bacterial genes for adaptions including increasing the capacity of our brain. We have incorporated bacterial DNA in a way that prevents disease in a few different ways:  1) by coding for hormones and proteins ( eg serotonin is produced by gut bacteria) 2) by using Micro RNA which can turn off and on genes 3) by bacterial metabolites  our bodies need. Eg cellulase: we eat plants made of cellulose. We can not make the cellulase enzyme to digest them but our colonies of bacteria can. We are omnivores who can eat a whole range of things but often we can only get benefit from them because bacteria in us process and break down the food. We are picking up DNA from new bacteria all the time. Japanese people have developed a capability to digest seaweed thanks to their ingestion of related bacteria with sushi.
Modern life is attacking our microbiome. Think WiFi, antibiotics, food additives (preservatives colours and flavours)  body care and cleaning products  ( shampoos,cosmetics, cleansers and perfumes with rare exceptions are all toxic) and of course the farm chemical residues and GMos in all processed  “foods ”. Birth by C-section means baby does not get inoculated with good bacteria from the parents through the natural birth canal and this is devastating to the child’s future health.  Immunization and formular feeding only further the damage.
Now we are realizing how many diseases are related to a damaged microbiome. Alzheimer’s , Parkinsons diabetes, obesity and mood disorders are the result of a messed up or “dysbiotic” microbiome which can begin a disease process way before the signs of disease show up. For eg every Parkinson’s sufferer had constipation for many years before the neurological symptoms began.

Fecal transplants FT  ( implanting the fecal matter from a healthy person into someone with a chronic illness) have revealed a lot of new information: A very thin lady who ran marathons regularly suffered from colitis. Doctors wanted to perform surgery on her bowel. Someone suggested a FT, which she went ahead with. Her colitis cleared up within a few days but a month later she had gained a lot of weight. On the same diet and the same exercise routines the lady became chubby for the first time in her life. It turned out the donor of the FT was overweight. In another case, a rat received a FT from a patient with Alzheimer’s and autism who walked in circles all day. The rat began to walk in circles all day too. Another patient had a strange gait all his life. A FT cured the palsy and corrected his gait.  Another example involves an autistic child who had no speech. Two weeks after a FT he began speaking normally.
Kiran attends about 45 conferences a year on the microbiome and absorbs and reports on the latest scientific findings. Increasing the diversity of our microbiome is deemed to be most important. This word diversity is popping up everywhere.  Examples from my world:  we are finding that a mix of 17 species of cover crop plants makes a way healthier soil than just 3;  the more diversity in a garden the more resilient it is, the more diverse ingredients in a compost heap the better the compost grows plants.  So the advice is to eat a varied diet. They say that our ancestors ate 400 to 600 types of food throughout the year, while we tend to subsist on about 30 foods, available year round. My personal hunch is that a small range of food types is OK when grown in a very healthy environment , (ie a soil alive with large numbers and great diversity of microbes)  These foods of provenance will be covered in really good bacteria and perhaps  give you the huge diversity of bacteria you require to ingest for health on a daily basis. Why do I think this? Well, Weston A Price on his travels to isolated native people in the early 1900s described incredibly healthy folk in Swiss glacial villages eating only rye bread and cheese and butter for most of the year, but the butter was extremely high in vitamin A. These people had no fruit and vegetables in their diet at all as they lived above the snow line and the summer was very short. They had only a little beef and milk to break the monotony of their cheese and ryebread staples.  He also visited Islands north of Scotland where all that would grow was oats, and the people were again in superb health, on nothing but oats and fish.
Within the M’Biome there seems to be KEYSTONE  species.  A study done on the antibiotic Amoxyllin  showed that an hour after a dose of Amoxyllin, 99% of gut bacteria in humans are decimated.  But after 12 hours the bacteria begin to bounce back.  Of course, the question is what types of bacteria and in what ratios? Usually nasty opportunistic bacteria breed up into large populations in the absence of competition and this is how health problems arise. The researcher very interestingly found that each of many bacteria he incubated individually with the antibiotic survived, but a collection of these different bacteria all died on exposure to the AB. Kiran hypothesizes that there are “key stone” species that are like pillars that hold up and protect the entire microbiome….perhaps they produce metabolites that most of the M’biome use?  So it seems that the M’biome functions as an elaborate ecology, and if you kill some significant species the whole lot collapses. Like if earth worms died out due to climate change, or honey bees became extinct due to pesticides, where would this leave us? Struggling with no wetting soil, raging CC and a very limited diet.
You and I have very different microbiomes because our mother’s gut floras were different. There is only a 30% similarity between people’s microbiomes. One thing that is the same, we are exposed to good bacteria in the environment that have the capacity to survive our gastric systems ( most bacteria coming in do not survive this) and once in the gut, hatch out of their cacoon that may have protected them for  millions of years prior to entry into our mouth. So they hatch in the small intestine and go to work for us. Some of the best bacteria for soil and us are in the Bacillus family.  One example is Bacillus Subtilis. Their natural home is in the gut but out in the environment it forms an endospore, a thick calcified armour, where it may survive the passage of time thorough all sorts of extremes of weather/PH/ Salt concentration, in other words….” Habitat”. Some of these endospores have been found still viable in 250 million year old salt crystals. They have been successfully plated (brought back to living, breeding condition on a petri dish) after all that time. Another Jurassic Park- type event occurred when the stomach contents of a fossilized honey bee encased in amber was drilled out and some organisms were successfully plated after 50 million years.  The amazing powers of bacillus don’t stop there. Kiran went back into war records to discover that the German army fighting in North Africa were being decimated by dysentery. They noticed when the locals started feeling sick they ran and looked for dried camel dung and ate it! They would get better very quickly. Camel dung was sent back to Germany and microbes identified. Bascillus Subtilis was discovered in the dung and found  to be protective against dysentery. It has been marketed  as a cure for dysentery for the last 60 years!   So these Bacillus are like the Jeddhi knights who get through our stomach juices in their protective armour, then  lodge in the duodenum to emerge and fix our gut flora for us. They do a thing called Quorum Sensing …they find over grown and pathogenic bacteria, sit next to them and produce about 25 kinds of antibiotics to kill them off. They then produce substances like prebiotics which breed up the good bugs that are left. These are amazing bugs.
Another keystone pillar species is Bacillus Clausii, a fabulous bacillus which has been around for millions of years also. B Clausii  has been a prescription drug since 1958, it fights salmonella and upper respiratory infections . It very  powerful at boosting  our mucosal immune system . It up-regulates your immune system and fights off bad bacteria and has been marketed in Latin America and Europe since 1958.
Consuming fermented vegetables as in sauerkraut and Kimchee on a daily basis is like taking probiotc pills but far greater numbers and often diversity of bacteria is found  in fermented foods. The  veges  have to be organic to have the lactobacillus on them that starts the fermentation off in the right way. Home made probiotics are cheaper of course than pharmacy pills. Sometimes though, very rare, very beneficial microbes are discovered and put into pills for sale. I may buy some. Getting great sets of organisms given to us by friends such as Haydn Gunningham and Brent Burns was a turning point for our composting operations in the early days, their donations really helped us to make a You Beaut compost forever more, as did collecting a teaspoon of soil from old growth forest, so indeed , why not open up my digestive tract to a potentially wonderful new species which may colonize it and do me a world of good? 
It is also important to consume PRE biotic foods, which contain the indigestible fiber which make it through to our colon to feed the colonies of bacteria which use it for food.  Fermenting this resistant starch , the good bugs turn  it into beneficial acids like butyrate, as mentioned in a previous blog on the Dr Stephen Hawrelak  workshop. Looking at traditional cultures, ( although not many are left) may reveal more practices which boost the microbiome. Indigenous peoples ate a huge range of food and  also did not (or do not ) live in a society that is based around killing bacteria.  Glyphosate is an insane example of this, it is an antibiotic which kills the good bacillus preferentially, but leaves the negative E coli, salmonella and botulism to thrive ( and proliferate they will, as they are unchecked by the absent good guy bacteria ).
Inside us is a surface area 150 times higher than our skin, covered in mucous which is populated by zillions of bacteria. These trap substances coming in from the environment, examine them make decisions : welcome them through, tolerate them or mount a fight ? This first thick band of bacteria living in the mucosal layer are a protective coating for the gut lining, which is only one cell thick ( the lining cells are called epithelial cells) . There is another band of denser, thicker mucous called Mucin 2 right next to the epithelial cells which is devoid of bacteria, it is a “no go zone”. This layer can be broken down by bad bacteria. Dysbiotic flora can make holes between the epithelial cells, and BT toxin from GM corn can make holes right through the cells. In either case we call this condition "leaky gut".
Good bacteria actually feed us the proteins which form tight secure junctions between membrane cells throughout our body. If the epithelial cells sense any bacteria in Mucin 2, or bacterial components or half digested food, clostridia,  toxins  etc near them, they freak out and call up an army to fight them. The ensuing battle causes INFLAMMATION which further destroys the gut lining as collateral damage. Lipo poly saccharides ( LPS) is a toxin produced by pathogenic bacteria, which enters the blood stream and causes a inflammation response.
Chrones disease, irritable bowel disorder and many more digestive disorders are driven by  damage to the mucosal immune system. The genes for the manufacture of the 40 proteins that create tight junctions between the cells are turned off and on by bacteria. The structure of the mucous layer is controlled by bacteria. This bacterial layer is called by Kiran “Ground Zero of disease” because the root cause of the all chronic disease is due to problems in the mucosal layer and tight junctions in the gut.
In a double blind placebo controlled trial  of his probiotic formula they took  normal, healthy, young (av.23 year old) college students in the prime of their lives. Surprisingly 55% of them were found to have leaky gut. The researchers got them to eat a meal (from McDonalds I believe) and soon after measured the inflammatory cytokines in their blood. Chemical markers of inflammation  in the form of 12 kinds of cytokines go through the roof whenever someone with leaky gut eats a meal. "CD 14" activation has now been shown to be the primary driver of many disorders, it sets off the pathology that causes most illness in fact. Traces of CD 4 inflammation marker were still in the  blood of the students with leaky gut 2 weeks took more than  2 weeks to recover from that one meal. In real life however we keep going though the drive thru….. we keep eating these meals, and the body never recovers.
Kiran asked himself  “Can we ingest a bacteria  that heals and seals the gut lining? If we can do that and stop the flow of toxins into the bloodstream, can we allow the body to recover? ”  In the college students there was a 60% reduction in the inflammation markers after 30 days on the probiotic. No dietary interventions were done in the study.  A month on Kiran’s Probiotic also  led to a  40% reduction of tricglycerides ( liver fat), meaning the liver was not under the same burden as before in  trying to get the triglycerides out of the blood.   On the subject of the liver, there was a study done on rats . They were fed the weakest solution of glyphosate, it was in parts per trillion. The rats developed non alcoholic fatty liver disease ( NAFLD). The FDA and FSANZ (food safety authorities) allow humans to be exposed to levels of glyphosate 470,000 times higher than the levels which gave the rats NAFLD, when adjusted for body weight. NAFLD leads to liver cancer, cirrhosis of the liver etc. The gut permability changed MCP1 , which indicates inflammation in the gut lining. The  scientists  saw a significant reduction in MCP1 after 30 days on the probiotic.
 Inflammatory cytokines are the driver of Parkinson’s, cancer, obesity, diabetes, and so on. Bacillus Subtilis reduced inflammatory markers such as CD 14 cytokines and triglycerides, signalling a significant reduction in mucosal immune response.
Another aspect of the study was they looked at the hormone Ghrelin, the hunger hormone that signals you to eat. It should drop  when the stomach is full . A constant high level of this hormone is linked to obesity. When the students were hungry Ghrelin was measured as “high “which is normal, but a 2000 calorie meal did nothing to drop the Ghrelin level in the student’s blood. After 30 days on the probiotic formula that Kiran is testing,  this hormone  dropped by 50% after eating the same 2000 calorie meal, meaning the communication between the gut and the brain via the vagus nerve seems to have been re-established. Lipopolysaccharide is a toxin produced by bad bacteria and is known to interfere with communication between the gut and the brain, and the ghrelin signals.  Seratonin plays a role here too, because as it increases, this triggers those “stop eating“ signals.
Bacillus Clausii and B Subtilis both work to re- establish regulatory T cells. These cells dampen an over enthusiastic immune response ( the cause of asthma, excema, hay fever and food allergies all the way up to auto immune disease like Lupus, Chrones disease etc) Seratonin production is also stimulated by our champion spore forming bacilli. They also boost populations of another group of good bacteria, the Akkermansia . Akker monitors the outside world . Lean people with low inflammation , good over all immunity , who are at low risk for heart disease and who enjoy longevity have high populations of Akkermansia inside them.
One more hero in the good army within is Bacillus Indicus. It is a first class carotenoid producer, meaning it takes your food and turns it into powerful antioxidants like anthocyanins, Luteins, alpha and beta carotein and Astaxanthin.

A whopping  $5 million Euros worth of studies were conducted to  discover the bacteria that produce disease- fighting, bioavailable, very potent antioxidants. 

What’s good about antioxidants?  In the gut , having high levels of Anti-Oxidants there will help us deal with ageing, inflammatory bowel disorders, bowel and other cancers, mental illness, all of which result from oxidative stress. The "apple" or natural  version of these carotenoids is created by Bacillus Indicus. It is  10 X more powerful in terms of its antioxidant capability than the antioxidants available in shops. The apple version as opposed to synthetic versions of carotenoids  is fat soluble and water soluble, which improves absorption by the body. We were told to eat our veges for vitamin A, but in fact  humans are not good at extracting carotenoids from foods….we can eat a ton of carrots but get very little carotenoids from them. However if we have the B Indicus at work within us, we have an antioxidant factory creating potent and bioavailable antioxidants  every day. This is natures hard core antioxidant. It was discovered after looking at pink animals: pink Salmon, flamingos, krill and prawns obtain their eye-catching coloration either by eating  shrimp (which feed on astaxanthin-rich algae, or eating the algae directly.  However they  all turned out to have the Bacillus Indicus  in their gut as well, which produce  so much carotenoids that they are expressed on their skin as bands of orangey pink colour.  

A bit more about  the amazing AstaxanthinScientists say that astaxanthin benefits include anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and immune system-enhancing properties, and natural healers may advise it to improve vision, ease joint pain, enhance heart health and even minimize facial wrinkles! The outstanding antioxidant capacity of astaxanthin has been estimated by scientists to be 6,000 times more powerful than vitamin C, 800 times more powerful than the enzyme CoQ10, and 150 times more powerful than anthocyanins (the beneficial bluish-purple pigments found in blueberries). It enhances gap-junction channels and improves the vital ability of healthy cells to communicate with each other -an essential function in inhibiting cancer development.

Researchers say Astaxanthin induces the death of malignant cancer cells. 

Apoptosis is the programmed destruction of damaged or dysfunctional cells. However,  cancer can elude this beneficial process – meaning that its cells can survive and multiply unaffected by apoptosis.Reinstating the mechanism for apoptosis is what we are after, and  studies have shown that astaxanthin promotes apoptosis in both oral and liver cancer cells. 

As Jeffery Smith points out, the number 1 reported improvement or reversal of disease when switching to an organic diet is that digestive health improves. Specific negative impacts of GMOS and Round Up seems to be gut dysbiosis. With the help of star bacilli  the dysbiosis may be able to be reversed.

Mitochondrial health and the ageing process 
Aging is driven by Oxidative Stress. Pathologists looked at cells of a 90 years old and of a 5 year old  and asked “what is the difference between these individuals?” In the 90 year old, 95% of their mitochondria were dysfunctional. When energy (ATP)  is produced from glucose and fatty acids in the mitochondria within each of our cells, a  byproduct is  the formation of  “super oxides” . These are like heat to your car engine. They have to be quenched by antioxidants , which are like the oil in your engine. If the oil is not there, the engine will be destroyed by heat. If anti oxidants are not in the cell, the mitochondrial “engine” may be damaged. Glutathione, peroxidase, and other antioxidants produced by B indicus reduce the damage to the mitochondria. Who knew products of the microbiome help the mitochondria in all our cells?  If we are killing the engines of our cells, lethargy may lead on to  dementia and vascular diseases such  heart disease.
A study in Italy showed that Round Up ready soy beans  fed to mice accelerated  the aging process .
Amongst the 11 clinical trials  being carried out on Kiran’s probiotic product “ Just Thrive” there are studies on acne, gum disease, rheumatoid arthritis , diabetes, and more. The break down in the mucosal lining starts the damage to so many systems in the body, as you can see by this seemingly unrelated list. Thrive probiotic contains the 4 endospores of Bacillus we have looked at above.
I was very impressed with Kiran , he is a real bacteria nerd. If I was going to buy a probiotic off anyone, it would be him. He is showing with study after study that by using these keystone species we can recover from exposure to Round Up. He gives the credit to Nature and says “we are just smart enough to have respect for nature”. Such a different attitude to the Biotech scientists who operate under false assumptions and in ignorance whilst thinking all the while they are clever.  Im guessing you are a bit of a nerd to have made it through this article. Kiran will be publishing studies on the effects of Round Up on the microbiome very soon, and I will be ringside when he announces results. I will pass the findings on to you. Thanks Jeffery Smith, thank you Kiran Krishnan. Please email me for how to order "Just  Thrive" at a special discount. We can share the freight.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Healing from GMOS and Round Up

I just purchased the recordings of Jeffery Smith's
  Healing from GMOs and Round Up

The 20 presenters and Jeffery as always, were excellent! 
 So leading edge!  As the time for purchasing the series has 
elapsed, thought I would record the highlights , so please read
 on and  share these facts widely. 

Larry Bohlen  is a rocket scientist, a NASA engineer working on
 the Hubble telescope back in the day, at the Earth Science 
Centre which focused on the Earth. Larry was partly responsible
 for the first and for a long time THE ONLY photograph of the
 Earth from space. Looking at our small world from far far away,
 and seeing the first images of such human caused damage to
 the biosphere as the hole in the ozone layer, smog over cities 
and ( Im guessing ) pollution of oceans  from space, Larry was 
deeply moved. The growing realization that we are  fouling our 
one and only nest sparked Larry to ask what could be done to
 stop the global effects of agribusiness on nature and human 
beings. He left NASA and co -founded the non profit 
Health Research Institute ( HRI ) 
and associated laboratories.
HRI have established that Round Up is everywhere in the United
 States, the first country to grow GM crops. It is in the soil, in the
 air, in ground and surface water, in the food and in rain.
 Alarmingly,  60 to 100 % of rain samples contained Round Up.  
This means to save and use water in tanks near farming areas is hazardous, and I will warrant the situation is similar 
here in OZ. Don't drink rain water if you live under a flight path , in a farming area, or in a  suburb full of ignorant 
 It is not  surprising to find that most people have
 Round Up in their body. The company  is currently  measuring the amount of glyphosate in people, their pets, on
 farms, in livestock, in farmers; and is conducting testing for councils and  for academic researchers.
 In a sample of 1000 health conscience- tending individual urine donors, 86% of the people had detectable
 glyphosate and its main metabolite ( AMPA for short)  in their wee. Researchers say AMPA is more potent than 
the original glyphosate molecule. The average level was half a part per billion. The range went from “ not detected”
 to a the highest result of  33 parts per billion. The chap who took the prize for the highest level was a heavy 
consumer of mung beans. Poor guy, trying to eat right!  But he and I  didn’t know that legumes can be extremely 
high in round up these days. I did know they would be irradiated if from over seas, and most are. He came back to
 Larry for another test after removing mung beans from his diet for a month, and his glyphosate levels had dropped 
by 95%.
Organic diet
   Only 14% of the thousand U.S.  individuals tested in this citizen science experiment did not have glyphosate
 in their urine, and these people identified as being committed to eating organic food exclusively.  The lowest
 “level- of- organic” eaters had the highest levels of glyphosate and its highly toxic breakdown product, so a direct 
correlation was found between industrial foods consumed and levels of glyphosate. We will get into the significant health ramifications later in this series, but touch in them below.
High alert foods.
The food that had the biggest affect on people was oats. OATS had 1254 parts per billion glyphosate. Like the 
pulses (which for us in Australia come mainly from Canada, so they are also irradiated before entering our country)
  cereals such as  Oats, barley, wheat and rye crops are dried down or dessicated  with Round Up so they don’t
 mould and are easier to harvest.  So we find high levels in cereal crops. Proff Don Huber highlights that glyphosate
 concentrates in the growth points of plants, so the grains have concentrated levels. No one is yet sure why oats
 manage to accumulate so much, when exposed to the spray which is applied just days before harvest. Farmers 
are told that using the herbicide as  dessicant also prepares the land for the next crop (by eradicating weeds). 
 And many farmers still believe the sales pitch that it is harmless.  (To wit, see the latest review sitting on our
 Merri Bee Organic Farmacy face book page by a young man from a local winery  His is our 
only bad review and you can read his comment for yourself. Hint: a nice review or 3 would make it leave the
 top position and “disappear” ! And this ignorance should be disappeared !! ) Similarly indoctrinated young 
farmers, taught agronomy at Monsanto- funded universities, are who we have outsourced food growing to.  
Apart from cereals they are using round up on kiwi fruit, sweet potatoes, irish potatoes and sugar…. just before 

harvest. So wheat and black strap molasses are on the list of “high alert” foods. This is tragic as oats are a 
calminative food, which also gave energy to people and animals. Similarly, pulses and wheat were original super 
foods. Bread was the staff of life because it made the whole grain wheat digestible by a fermentation process
 ( sourdough ) which pre digested the anti nutrient “phytates” in whole wheat but released the huge list of nutrients
 found in wheat.  Wheatgerm is comparable to liver for the array of minerals and B vitamins it contains. 
Whole grains are no longer a health- building, healing food, unless (of course) organically grown.
If you doubt that this Round Up dessication   process is  going on in Australia, Dayle Lloyd of Dumbleyung assures
 me his neighbours are using it. Dayle emailed me a copy of the permit. See the 2 permits below and note that 
anyone, anywhere and any time can obtain a permit …..and wave at you if you question them .
Another superfood that if produced near farmlands is possibly health damaging!  Bees love canola flowers , and 
the bees end up having learning disabilities (from ingesting “Round Up Ready” TM canola flower nectar ?) and
 cannot navigate back to the hive. The bees also need lactobacillus (as we all do) in their gut, but glyphosate knocks
 out these most essential beneficial bacteria FIRST, leaving the normally small populations of
 pathogenic /opportunistic gut bacteria alone to proliferate. Therefore bees can be surrounded 
by food but starving to death as they can no longer digest food. Think of the rise in Chrones disease in our 
young people in recent years.
In Canada, a leading cultivator of GM crops, sales of honey have plummeted by 50% amid concern 
that the integrity of the product has been compromised.
“……A three-year study by Professor Hans-Heinrich Kaatz at the University of Jena found that 
the gene used to modify oil-seed rape [canola] had transferred to bacteria living inside honey bees. 
The findings undermine claims by the biotech industry and supporters of GM foods that genes cannot
spread. …..The honey bee population in the US has collapsed, putting in jeopardy $14 billion worth of
 horticultural and pasture crops (lucerne and rye). The flowers of apples, soft fruits, kiwis, almonds 
and many more, won’t set fruit without bees as pollinators. If there is no pollinator there is no fruit. ….…
Pollination/fruiting is lowest near GM crops, whilst organic fields, where GM is banned, are 
Australian bee breeders have enjoyed selling pollination bees to American almond orchardists for good money
 in recent  years. Sadly our bees die 2 weeks after arrival , shortly after achieving the pollination.  Due to the toxic 
environment created by American orchardists there is an ongoing business for Oz bee keepers, for now.
Organic honey in Larry’s tests of some 50 plus foods turned out to have 95% less glyphosate then honey produced 
near GM crops.
The  honey from our native forests is  gold, proven to be equal to Manuka honey in its medical applications.
 Right now we have to stop the damage to this honey industry by none other than the WA  government who on one
 hand are promoting our native honeys whilst thwarting the industry on the other hand by continuing  clear felling 
of Karri forests and harvesting of Jarrah at an accelerated rate. They are also hell bent on continuing the burning 
program started by Terry Redman , former leader of the government. Controlled burns are these days way out of 
control and burning the entire individual tree right up into the canopy. I have never witnessed this before after 40 
years of living in the south west forest region and will be waiting in trepidation to see if the massive trees so 
thoroughly scorched this year, will regenerate.
From research into  fatty liver disease, where rats were fed a diet containing only point one of a part per billion 
glyphosate, we know that the majority of people in Larry’s study had levels  that exceeded the amount in the rats 
in whom non alcoholic  fatty liver disease emerged.
Endocrine disruption.  The dose maketh the poison?

Endocrine disrupters such as Glyphosate are actually more  dangerous at extremely low levels than
 at high doses.

This is because the body doesn’t recognize these very tiny amounts as foreign , mistaking them for  its
 own hormones, and does not mount a defense response. In certain toxins the higher the dose, the
 higher the toxic affect. But in tiny doses ( say parts per trillion)  some toxins do more damage to us.
 Beware the  U shaped curve of the endocrine disruption effect baby. 
And so much for Monsanto’s  false claims that Round is biodegradable! It lasts 22 years in some soils. 
For maintaining such falsehoods and choosing to defend these in court they were found guilty in Frances 
Supreme Court. ….but only fined $28,000 Euros. See the opening scenes of the documentary 
“The World According to Monsanto” .

15 dogs and one cat ‘s wee were tested and found to have very high levels. 50 times the average of human beings !!!
  Why? Dogs drink from puddles, they roll and play in the grass.  Dermal exposure  and penetration through the
 paws is suspected, among other factors in their food. Incidentally levels reached through this skin absorption route
 was way higher than expected by  Monsanto scientists who studied skin exposure of Round Up.
 There was a study of farmers, ones that wore gloves had 10 times less glyphosate within them that those who did 
not.  Dogs are also eating kibble high in Round Up residues. Horse feed is also chock full of GMOS . Could there be 
American sugar beet pulp , legumes , corn, soy, cottonseed oil  and Western Australian canola meal  in your pet’s 
food? Definitely we know the Mt Barker so called free range chickens refuses to deny in writing that their chickens
 are eating WA canola meal, the residue after the oil is expelled in a certain Pinjarra factory.  The canola is likely to be  
GM, and therefore dangerous. Leg injuries in horses were correlated with those eating these GM feeds or those
 drenched in Round Up before harvest : soy, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets and alfalfa. All of these are GMOS
 in the U.S.  Race horse owners invest millions in their horses and a champion could break a leg on these poor diets. “Science Life” was a dog food ( maybe still for sale)  which was super expensive and promoted by vets trained at Monsanto funded universities. It harmed dogs.
FERTILITY…..glyphosate binds manganese to its molecule and creates manganese deficient food. Mn deficiency is
 linked to poor reproductive health. Non gmo feed for both livestock and humans  leads to higher conception rates 
(and in animals)  larger litter size.
Another salient point from Larry and Jeffery:  90 out if 92 couples on an infertility program were put on organic
 diet. All conceived ! The 2 percent that did not conceive did not follow the protocol!  
Can you avoid  Round Up?  Yes, as Larry has shown, the primary exposure is from food.  By keeping to an organic
 diet, you can stay free of this devastating chemical. After 2 weeks on an organic diet over 90% of the chemical 
has left your body. That still leaves 10 per cent , and in subsequent posts I will report on the findings which show
 that the gut microbes responsible for REMOVAL of toxins from the body are wiped out by Round UP as well, a 
little confounding factor for you.  I have not mentioned that rates of Parkinsons disease in young males has 
skyrocketed in recent years and that Alzheimers in women has increased over 600% in the last 20 years, and 
that neuro-degeneration has recently become a bigger killer than cancer. Main suspect…..Round Up.
 I can not cover everything in one post but urge you now to minimize the damage to your DNA and major organs 

by going organic now. And don’t fall off the wagon  with a lentil salad or conventional oat muslie bar!  Be wise 
like an  OWL ….watch out for conventional Oats, Wheat, Legumes .
 Before people howl that they can not afford organics, can I ask you to  get real. In this world the Americans, 
Poms, Canadians and Aussies are eating the most industrial food and expect to spend a smallest proportion 
of their income on food. In most populations of the world , people expect most of their income to go on food.
 To live or not to live  in the grooviest locations with most exhorbitant rent is one choice we have, and if I could
 afford organic food I wouldn’t be making it.   

For 20 years  Donna Farmer studied Round Up as a  Monsanto toxicologist . She lied on TV, saying that 
“as a mother and a scientist, I can tell you it is safe”. Privately ( as released in documents later subpoenaed
 by attorneys ) it was found that:  she had  gone through  an article eliminating a link to miscarriages, wrote 
in internal memos “we cannot be sure it doesn’t cause  cancer”; obviously  knew that there had been 
dose- related deaths of lab animals in trials; and was cognizant that  tumor formation was likely to be linked 
to Round Up. These are the people that have all the media space! These are the people that trash the reputations
 of independent scientists who show inconvenient truths about Round Up. Are you going to support this mob with
 your food dollars, or support those farming sustainably? Are we going to support and promote  those working hard 
 to care for people and environment?  Your support could ensure that  they are still here doing what they do when 
fuel and super market shelves dry up.
  Bill Mollison decades ago implored us to withdraw our support from agribusiness corporations, declaring
 agriculture to be the most destructive force on Earth. Join me as a neo peasant in the op shop and in the fields on
 a quest to weaken the 5 corps controlling food and health.  We will no longer outsource  our food growing to them!
  Surely together we can create communities that support organic farmers, who 
in turn nourish us with nutrient dense, real food. After 35 years of food forest development I can say Permaculture 
works . To us health is simply our most valuable asset and can't be left up to Big Ag and Big Pharma..
 We in this country are so lucky to have the space to grow our own food, but for those without land, could  you 
 rent a part of someone's big back yard  by paying them some weekly veges? Wonderful activist people have created 
community gardens you can join, or get  into container gardening. 
Please subscribe to our email list by emailing to receive notice of the next report
 where we learn from a leading
 functional medicine doctor who is having amazing success de- toxing his patients from Round Up.  
And later Sayer Ji talks about RNA silencing ....O M G!
Some days I feel hopeful that a better world is coming. Cheers, Bee
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