I just purchased the recordings of Jeffery Smith's
Healing from GMOs and Round Up.
The 20 presenters and Jeffery as always, were excellent!
So leading edge! As the time for purchasing the series has
elapsed, thought I would record the highlights , so please read
on and share these facts widely.
Healing from GMOs and Round Up.
The 20 presenters and Jeffery as always, were excellent!
So leading edge! As the time for purchasing the series has
elapsed, thought I would record the highlights , so please read
on and share these facts widely.
Larry Bohlen is a rocket scientist, a NASA engineer working on
the Hubble telescope back in the day, at the Earth Science
Centre which focused on the Earth. Larry was partly responsible
for the first and for a long time THE ONLY photograph of the
Earth from space. Looking at our small world from far far away,
and seeing the first images of such human caused damage to
the biosphere as the hole in the ozone layer, smog over cities
and ( Im guessing ) pollution of oceans from space, Larry was
deeply moved. The growing realization that we are fouling our
one and only nest sparked Larry to ask what could be done to
stop the global effects of agribusiness on nature and human
beings. He left NASA and co -founded the non profit
Health Research Institute ( HRI )
the Hubble telescope back in the day, at the Earth Science
Centre which focused on the Earth. Larry was partly responsible
for the first and for a long time THE ONLY photograph of the
Earth from space. Looking at our small world from far far away,
and seeing the first images of such human caused damage to
the biosphere as the hole in the ozone layer, smog over cities
and ( Im guessing ) pollution of oceans from space, Larry was
deeply moved. The growing realization that we are fouling our
one and only nest sparked Larry to ask what could be done to
stop the global effects of agribusiness on nature and human
beings. He left NASA and co -founded the non profit
Health Research Institute ( HRI )
and associated laboratories.
HRI have established that Round Up is everywhere in the United
States, the first country to grow GM crops. It is in the soil, in the
air, in ground and surface water, in the food and in rain.
Alarmingly, 60 to 100 % of rain samples contained Round Up.
This means to save and use water in tanks near farming areas is hazardous, and I will warrant the situation is similar
here in OZ. Don't drink rain water if you live under a flight path , in a farming area, or in a suburb full of ignorant
It is not surprising to find that most people have
States, the first country to grow GM crops. It is in the soil, in the
air, in ground and surface water, in the food and in rain.
Alarmingly, 60 to 100 % of rain samples contained Round Up.
This means to save and use water in tanks near farming areas is hazardous, and I will warrant the situation is similar
here in OZ. Don't drink rain water if you live under a flight path , in a farming area, or in a suburb full of ignorant
It is not surprising to find that most people have
Round Up in their body. The company is currently measuring the amount of glyphosate in people, their pets, on
farms, in livestock, in farmers; and is conducting testing for councils and for academic researchers.
In a sample of 1000 health conscience- tending individual urine donors, 86% of the people had detectable
glyphosate and its main metabolite ( AMPA for short) in their wee. Researchers say AMPA is more potent than
the original glyphosate molecule. The average level was half a part per billion. The range went from “ not detected”
to a the highest result of 33 parts per billion. The chap who took the prize for the highest level was a heavy
consumer of mung beans. Poor guy, trying to eat right! But he and I didn’t know that legumes can be extremely
high in round up these days. I did know they would be irradiated if from over seas, and most are. He came back to
Larry for another test after removing mung beans from his diet for a month, and his glyphosate levels had dropped
by 95%.
Organic diet
Only 14% of the thousand U.S. individuals tested in this citizen science experiment did not have glyphosate
in their urine, and these people identified as being committed to eating organic food exclusively. The lowest
“level- of- organic” eaters had the highest levels of glyphosate and its highly toxic breakdown product, so a direct
correlation was found between industrial foods consumed and levels of glyphosate. We will get into the significant health ramifications later in this series, but touch in them below.
High alert foods.
The food that had the biggest affect on people was oats. OATS had 1254 parts per billion glyphosate. Like the
pulses (which for us in Australia come mainly from Canada, so they are also irradiated before entering our country)
cereals such as Oats, barley, wheat and rye crops are dried down or dessicated with Round Up so they don’t
mould and are easier to harvest. So we find high levels in cereal crops. Proff Don Huber highlights that glyphosate
concentrates in the growth points of plants, so the grains have concentrated levels. No one is yet sure why oats
manage to accumulate so much, when exposed to the spray which is applied just days before harvest. Farmers
are told that using the herbicide as dessicant also prepares the land for the next crop (by eradicating weeds).
And many farmers still believe the sales pitch that it is harmless. (To wit, see the latest review sitting on our
Merri Bee Organic Farmacy face book page by a young man from a local winery His is our
only bad review and you can read his comment for yourself. Hint: a nice review or 3 would make it leave the
top position and “disappear” ! And this ignorance should be disappeared !! ) Similarly indoctrinated young
farmers, taught agronomy at Monsanto- funded universities, are who we have outsourced food growing to.
Apart from cereals they are using round up on kiwi fruit, sweet potatoes, irish potatoes and sugar…. just before
harvest. So wheat and black strap molasses are on the list of “high alert” foods. This is tragic as oats are a
calminative food, which also gave energy to people and animals. Similarly, pulses and wheat were original super
foods. Bread was the staff of life because it made the whole grain wheat digestible by a fermentation process
( sourdough ) which pre digested the anti nutrient “phytates” in whole wheat but released the huge list of nutrients
found in wheat. Wheatgerm is comparable to liver for the array of minerals and B vitamins it contains.
Whole grains are no longer a health- building, healing food, unless (of course) organically grown.
found in wheat. Wheatgerm is comparable to liver for the array of minerals and B vitamins it contains.
Whole grains are no longer a health- building, healing food, unless (of course) organically grown.
If you doubt that this Round Up dessication process is going on in Australia, Dayle Lloyd of Dumbleyung assures
me his neighbours are using it. Dayle emailed me a copy of the permit. See the 2 permits below and note that
anyone, anywhere and any time can obtain a permit …..and wave at you if you question them .
Another superfood that if produced near farmlands is possibly health damaging! Bees love canola flowers , and
the bees end up having learning disabilities (from ingesting “Round Up Ready” TM canola flower nectar ?) and
cannot navigate back to the hive. The bees also need lactobacillus (as we all do) in their gut, but glyphosate knocks
out these most essential beneficial bacteria FIRST, leaving the normally small populations of
pathogenic /opportunistic gut bacteria alone to proliferate. Therefore bees can be surrounded
by food but starving to death as they can no longer digest food. Think of the rise in Chrones disease in our
young people in recent years.
In Canada, a leading cultivator of GM crops, sales of honey have plummeted by 50% amid concern
that the integrity of the product has been compromised.
“……A three-year study by Professor Hans-Heinrich Kaatz at the University of Jena found that
the gene used to modify oil-seed rape [canola] had transferred to bacteria living inside honey bees.
The findings undermine claims by the biotech industry and supporters of GM foods that genes cannot
spread. …..The honey bee population in the US has collapsed, putting in jeopardy $14 billion worth of
horticultural and pasture crops (lucerne and rye). The flowers of apples, soft fruits, kiwis, almonds
and many more, won’t set fruit without bees as pollinators. If there is no pollinator there is no fruit. ….…
Pollination/fruiting is lowest near GM crops, whilst organic fields, where GM is banned, are
Australian bee breeders have enjoyed selling pollination bees to American almond orchardists for good money
in recent years. Sadly our bees die 2 weeks after arrival , shortly after achieving the pollination. Due to the toxic
environment created by American orchardists there is an ongoing business for Oz bee keepers, for now.
Organic honey in Larry’s tests of some 50 plus foods turned out to have 95% less glyphosate then honey produced
near GM crops.
near GM crops.
The honey from our native forests is gold, proven to be equal to Manuka honey in its medical applications.
Right now we have to stop the damage to this honey industry by none other than the WA government who on one
hand are promoting our native honeys whilst thwarting the industry on the other hand by continuing clear felling
of Karri forests and harvesting of Jarrah at an accelerated rate. They are also hell bent on continuing the burning
program started by Terry Redman , former leader of the government. Controlled burns are these days way out of
control and burning the entire individual tree right up into the canopy. I have never witnessed this before after 40
years of living in the south west forest region and will be waiting in trepidation to see if the massive trees so
thoroughly scorched this year, will regenerate.
hand are promoting our native honeys whilst thwarting the industry on the other hand by continuing clear felling
of Karri forests and harvesting of Jarrah at an accelerated rate. They are also hell bent on continuing the burning
program started by Terry Redman , former leader of the government. Controlled burns are these days way out of
control and burning the entire individual tree right up into the canopy. I have never witnessed this before after 40
years of living in the south west forest region and will be waiting in trepidation to see if the massive trees so
thoroughly scorched this year, will regenerate.
From research into fatty liver disease, where rats were fed a diet containing only point one of a part per billion
glyphosate, we know that the majority of people in Larry’s study had levels that exceeded the amount in the rats
in whom non alcoholic fatty liver disease emerged.
From research into fatty liver disease, where rats were fed a diet containing only point one of a part per billion
glyphosate, we know that the majority of people in Larry’s study had levels that exceeded the amount in the rats
in whom non alcoholic fatty liver disease emerged.
Endocrine disruption. The dose maketh the poison?
Endocrine disrupters such as Glyphosate are actually more dangerous at extremely low levels than
at high doses.
at high doses.
This is because the body doesn’t recognize these very tiny amounts as foreign , mistaking them for its
own hormones, and does not mount a defense response. In certain toxins the higher the dose, the
higher the toxic affect. But in tiny doses ( say parts per trillion) some toxins do more damage to us.
Beware the U shaped curve of the endocrine disruption effect baby.
own hormones, and does not mount a defense response. In certain toxins the higher the dose, the
higher the toxic affect. But in tiny doses ( say parts per trillion) some toxins do more damage to us.
Beware the U shaped curve of the endocrine disruption effect baby.
And so much for Monsanto’s false claims that Round is biodegradable! It lasts 22 years in some soils.
For maintaining such falsehoods and choosing to defend these in court they were found guilty in Frances
Supreme Court. ….but only fined $28,000 Euros. See the opening scenes of the documentary
“The World According to Monsanto” .

15 dogs and one cat ‘s wee were tested and found to have very high levels. 50 times the average of human beings !!!
Why? Dogs drink from puddles, they roll and play in the grass. Dermal exposure and penetration through the
paws is suspected, among other factors in their food. Incidentally levels reached through this skin absorption route
was way higher than expected by Monsanto scientists who studied skin exposure of Round Up.
Why? Dogs drink from puddles, they roll and play in the grass. Dermal exposure and penetration through the
paws is suspected, among other factors in their food. Incidentally levels reached through this skin absorption route
was way higher than expected by Monsanto scientists who studied skin exposure of Round Up.
There was a study of farmers, ones that wore gloves had 10 times less glyphosate within them that those who did
not. Dogs are also eating kibble high in Round Up residues. Horse feed is also chock full of GMOS . Could there be
American sugar beet pulp , legumes , corn, soy, cottonseed oil and Western Australian canola meal in your pet’s
food? Definitely we know the Mt Barker so called free range chickens refuses to deny in writing that their chickens
are eating WA canola meal, the residue after the oil is expelled in a certain Pinjarra factory. The canola is likely to be
GM, and therefore dangerous. Leg injuries in horses were correlated with those eating these GM feeds or those
drenched in Round Up before harvest : soy, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets and alfalfa. All of these are GMOS
in the U.S. Race horse owners invest millions in their horses and a champion could break a leg on these poor diets. “Science Life” was a dog food ( maybe still for sale) which was super expensive and promoted by vets trained at Monsanto funded universities. It harmed dogs.
not. Dogs are also eating kibble high in Round Up residues. Horse feed is also chock full of GMOS . Could there be
American sugar beet pulp , legumes , corn, soy, cottonseed oil and Western Australian canola meal in your pet’s
food? Definitely we know the Mt Barker so called free range chickens refuses to deny in writing that their chickens
are eating WA canola meal, the residue after the oil is expelled in a certain Pinjarra factory. The canola is likely to be
GM, and therefore dangerous. Leg injuries in horses were correlated with those eating these GM feeds or those
drenched in Round Up before harvest : soy, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets and alfalfa. All of these are GMOS
in the U.S. Race horse owners invest millions in their horses and a champion could break a leg on these poor diets. “Science Life” was a dog food ( maybe still for sale) which was super expensive and promoted by vets trained at Monsanto funded universities. It harmed dogs.
FERTILITY…..glyphosate binds manganese to its molecule and creates manganese deficient food. Mn deficiency is
linked to poor reproductive health. Non gmo feed for both livestock and humans leads to higher conception rates
(and in animals) larger litter size.
linked to poor reproductive health. Non gmo feed for both livestock and humans leads to higher conception rates
(and in animals) larger litter size.
Another salient point from Larry and Jeffery: 90 out if 92 couples on an infertility program were put on organic
diet. All conceived ! The 2 percent that did not conceive did not follow the protocol!
diet. All conceived ! The 2 percent that did not conceive did not follow the protocol!
Can you avoid Round Up? Yes, as Larry has shown, the primary exposure is from food. By keeping to an organic
diet, you can stay free of this devastating chemical. After 2 weeks on an organic diet over 90% of the chemical
has left your body. That still leaves 10 per cent , and in subsequent posts I will report on the findings which show
that the gut microbes responsible for REMOVAL of toxins from the body are wiped out by Round UP as well, a
little confounding factor for you. I have not mentioned that rates of Parkinsons disease in young males has
skyrocketed in recent years and that Alzheimers in women has increased over 600% in the last 20 years, and
that neuro-degeneration has recently become a bigger killer than cancer. Main suspect…..Round Up.
diet, you can stay free of this devastating chemical. After 2 weeks on an organic diet over 90% of the chemical
has left your body. That still leaves 10 per cent , and in subsequent posts I will report on the findings which show
that the gut microbes responsible for REMOVAL of toxins from the body are wiped out by Round UP as well, a
little confounding factor for you. I have not mentioned that rates of Parkinsons disease in young males has
skyrocketed in recent years and that Alzheimers in women has increased over 600% in the last 20 years, and
that neuro-degeneration has recently become a bigger killer than cancer. Main suspect…..Round Up.
I can not cover everything in one post but urge you now to minimize the damage to your DNA and major organs
by going organic now. And don’t fall off the wagon with a lentil salad or conventional oat muslie bar! Be wise
like an OWL ….watch out for conventional Oats, Wheat, Legumes .
by going organic now. And don’t fall off the wagon with a lentil salad or conventional oat muslie bar! Be wise
like an OWL ….watch out for conventional Oats, Wheat, Legumes .
Before people howl that they can not afford organics, can I ask you to get real. In this world the Americans,
Poms, Canadians and Aussies are eating the most industrial food and expect to spend a smallest proportion
of their income on food. In most populations of the world , people expect most of their income to go on food.
To live or not to live in the grooviest locations with most exhorbitant rent is one choice we have, and if I could
afford organic food I wouldn’t be making it.
Poms, Canadians and Aussies are eating the most industrial food and expect to spend a smallest proportion
of their income on food. In most populations of the world , people expect most of their income to go on food.
To live or not to live in the grooviest locations with most exhorbitant rent is one choice we have, and if I could
afford organic food I wouldn’t be making it.
For 20 years Donna Farmer studied Round Up as a Monsanto toxicologist . She lied on TV, saying that
“as a mother and a scientist, I can tell you it is safe”. Privately ( as released in documents later subpoenaed
by attorneys ) it was found that: she had gone through an article eliminating a link to miscarriages, wrote
in internal memos “we cannot be sure it doesn’t cause cancer”; obviously knew that there had been
dose- related deaths of lab animals in trials; and was cognizant that tumor formation was likely to be linked
to Round Up. These are the people that have all the media space! These are the people that trash the reputations
of independent scientists who show inconvenient truths about Round Up. Are you going to support this mob with
your food dollars, or support those farming sustainably? Are we going to support and promote those working hard
to care for people and environment? Your support could ensure that they are still here doing what they do when
fuel and super market shelves dry up.
Bill Mollison decades ago implored us to withdraw our support from agribusiness corporations, declaring
agriculture to be the most destructive force on Earth. Join me as a neo peasant in the op shop and in the fields on
a quest to weaken the 5 corps controlling food and health. We will no longer outsource our food growing to them!
Surely together we can create communities that support organic farmers, who
in turn nourish us with nutrient dense, real food. After 35 years of food forest development I can say Permaculture
works . To us health is simply our most valuable asset and can't be left up to Big Ag and Big Pharma..
“as a mother and a scientist, I can tell you it is safe”. Privately ( as released in documents later subpoenaed
by attorneys ) it was found that: she had gone through an article eliminating a link to miscarriages, wrote
in internal memos “we cannot be sure it doesn’t cause cancer”; obviously knew that there had been
dose- related deaths of lab animals in trials; and was cognizant that tumor formation was likely to be linked
to Round Up. These are the people that have all the media space! These are the people that trash the reputations
of independent scientists who show inconvenient truths about Round Up. Are you going to support this mob with
your food dollars, or support those farming sustainably? Are we going to support and promote those working hard
to care for people and environment? Your support could ensure that they are still here doing what they do when
fuel and super market shelves dry up.
Bill Mollison decades ago implored us to withdraw our support from agribusiness corporations, declaring
agriculture to be the most destructive force on Earth. Join me as a neo peasant in the op shop and in the fields on
a quest to weaken the 5 corps controlling food and health. We will no longer outsource our food growing to them!
Surely together we can create communities that support organic farmers, who
in turn nourish us with nutrient dense, real food. After 35 years of food forest development I can say Permaculture
works . To us health is simply our most valuable asset and can't be left up to Big Ag and Big Pharma..
We in this country are so lucky to have the space to grow our own food, but for those without land, could you
rent a part of someone's big back yard by paying them some weekly veges? Wonderful activist people have created
community gardens you can join, or get into container gardening.
rent a part of someone's big back yard by paying them some weekly veges? Wonderful activist people have created
community gardens you can join, or get into container gardening.
Please subscribe to our email list by emailing merribeefarmacy@gmail.com to receive notice of the next report
where we learn from a leading
functional medicine doctor who is having amazing success de- toxing his patients from Round Up.
And later Sayer Ji talks about RNA silencing ....O M G!
Some days I feel hopeful that a better world is coming. Cheers, Bee
where we learn from a leading
functional medicine doctor who is having amazing success de- toxing his patients from Round Up.
And later Sayer Ji talks about RNA silencing ....O M G!
Some days I feel hopeful that a better world is coming. Cheers, Bee
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